
Messenger Oracle

Messenger Oracle
Messenger Oracle

Wash Away Your Burdens

As you have moved through life, you have undoubtedly experienced moments that have inspired feelings of regret, remorse, shame, and guilt. You have made promises you have not been able to keep. You have judged and blamed yourself and others. You have burdened yourself with feelings born of acts that cannot be undone, which still bind you to the past. It is time to forgive. It is time to lie down in the healing waters and let them wash away your burdens so you can move forward with your spirit cleansed.

See Yourself In Nature

You are born of man and woman, but humanity is born of the natural world. Now it is time to reconnect. Take a walk or nature hike. Look out into the natural world. Explore your world, and you will see who you are. Peel away all judgment and dogma born of man and see your truest nature mirrored in the beautiful world around you. See that your emotions are like the weather and that your senses reach into the sky and earth like the branches and roots of the trees. See yourself in nature and nature within yourself.

Reveal Your Truth

When you were born, your soul shone bright. As you grew, you were taught right and wrong. You were taught how to think, how to live, and how to believe in a way that makes you fearful to say no. People pleasing can be detrimental to your well-being. The only person you need to please is yourself. To disagree is to risk alienation from family and society, and so you hide your thoughts and feelings behind a mask. The That mask hides your light. Cast it aside. Embrace and live your truth, and let your soul shine once more.