Tag: Creativity

  • Reno In July

    Reno In July

    A personal blog talking about Reno In July by Michelle Nollsch. Sharing my summertime adventures during the month of Artown in Reno.

  • Reinventing Myself-Part 3

    A personal blog talking about Reinventing Myself by Michelle Nollsch. Reflecting on the past year and sharing my thoughts for 2023.

  • Blogging


    A personal blog talking about Blogging by Michelle Nollsch. Sharing my thoughts about what it’s like to be a blogger.

  • Reinventing Myself- Part 2

    Reinventing Myself- Part 2

    A personal blog talking about Reinventing Myself by Michelle Nollsch. Reflecting on the past year and sharing my thoughts for 2023.

  • Voyager Tarot

    Voyager Tarot

    My weekly Oracle reading using the Voyager Tarot cards by Michelle Nollsch Inspired by James Wanless’s deck.

  • Kuan Yin Oracle

    Kuan Yin Oracle

    Kuan Yin dances creative energy and light across the sky, causing blossoms to descend. In the same way, when we tap into our spiritual power of creation, we cause our life and all of life around us, to bloom. Creation is a natural spiritual power within you, beloved. Force can slow down the process. It…