
Xultun Tarot

Xultun Tarot

The Maya Tarot Deck

Xultun Tarot


What does it mean to be in service to another? We hold space for others as they heal, going out of our way to make them comfortable. We physically serve their needs and tend to certain duties asked of us. Being of service to others should not be taken lightly.

This card suggests we take a deeper look. Perhaps you are reflecting on your life’s purpose. How may you serve others? Is there some special service you offer to others that would benefit their healing and/or well-being? Meditate about this and see what comes to mind. How can you carry the message to others?

The good news is the temperate man holds a higher vibration in Sagittarius. Moderation and self-restraint are essential right now. Culture and art abound! get out there and explore all you can. Manifest your dreams and turn them into realities. Ecology, economy and regeneration play a huge part in all this. Make it work for you!

About This Tarot Deck

A little bit about this unique tarot deck. The Maya Tarot deck is the international Edition containing Dutch, English, Spanish, French and Italian. What an unusual blend and yet it worked. I found the deck very interesting to use. The symbolism was amazing! the copyright date on this deck is 1976-wow! I will use this deck again.